Juan Martínez S.

Banco de Bogotá, 2024

Designed at S&Co

Creative Direction: Oliver Siegenthaler
Art Direction & Design: Juan Martínez
3D Design & Motion: Mario González
Case Video: Juliana Rojas
A two-layer design system focused on identity and storytelling transformed Banco de Bogotá's credit card offering.

Credit cards are integral to daily life — we carry them everywhere, using them at various moments for different needs. Despite their constant presence, they often go unnoticed, lacking a meaningful connection with users.

For Banco de Bogotá, this detachment presented a significant opportunity. The challenge was to transform their credit card portfolio from a mere transactional tool into a bridge that fosters a deeper connection between the bank and its customers. The goal was to make each card not only functional but also a reflection of the client’s life stage and aspirations.

We introduced the concept of “a card for every life moment,” creating a portfolio of 43 credit cards tailored to support clients through key stages such as starting out, saving, and achieving stability. The design system had two layers: an identity layer for clarity and brand consistency, and a meaning layer to humanize the brand through storytelling, fostering deeper connections. This approach transformed the cards from functional tools into personal companions, strengthening the emotional bond between clients and Banco de Bogotá, reinforcing its role as a financial partner that evolves with its customers.

Brooklyn, NYC.